Heard, JM, Vrinten, C, Schlander, M, Bellettato, CM, van Lingen, C, Scarpa, M, Matthijs, G, Nassogne, MC, Debray, FG, Roland, D, Chamova, T, Kozich, V, Pavel, J, Zenker, M, Lampe, C, Das, AM, Hennermann, J, Kolker, S, Weinhold, N, Mohnike, K, Gruenert, S, Lund, AM, Morales-Conejo, M, del Toro-Riera, M, Aldamiz-Echevarria, L, Garcia-Silva, MT, Schiff, M, Gouya, L, Labrune, P, de Lonlay, P, Belmatoug, N, Germain, DP, Cano, A, Dobbelaere, D, Jones, S, Dawson, C, Deegan, P, Santra, S, Vijay, S, Ramadza, DP, Baric, I, Zigman, T, Pflieger, G, Szakszon, K, Kaposta, R, Gasperini, S, Burlina, A, Parenti, G, Strisciuglio, P, Ceccarini, G, Federico, A, Simonati, A, Tumiene, B, Huidekoper, H, van Spronsen, F, Bosch, A, Rubio-Gozalbo, ME, Visser, G, Tangeraas, T, Aarsand, A, Kiec-Wilk, B, Gaspar, AMSM, Quelhas, D, Leao-Teles, E, Azevedo, O, Silva, EMFR, Matos, LMDFD, Martins, E, Lajic, S, Darin, N, Groselj, U, Tansek, MZ, MetabERN Collaboration Grp (2020).Īvailability, accessibility and delivery to patients of the 28 orphan medicines approved by the European Medicine Agency for hereditary metabolic diseases in the MetabERN network ORPHANET JOURNAL OF RARE DISEASES.